
Finding a balance between family, sports, keeping well and coding projects is a constant journey. Sometimes you just don't _feel_ like coding. Sometimes you don't feel like looking at a screen at all. But when you do, here are some things that interest me:


The Darknet Diaries Podcast is a great listen. I don't have cyber security experience, so it sounds all the more fascinating. A few good intro episodes are:

At DDD, I saw Lars Klint in his talk I connected my farm to the internet, now what?. Home automation is interesting, but I more enjoy the energy and hilarity of this talk, and how much you'll conjure ideas for yourself while listening.

You're probably expecting to see Dan Luu's blog here. It's simple and fast and delves into everything. It aligns with my ethos of not needing a react app for a pure consumption site, so sure. I just don't have favourite articles to give to you. If you're feeling satirical about the simplicity, check out This and then This. If those brought you a chuckle, you've got the right humor for This (Goodness me you're clicking blind links on a random blog)


Blending the line between beautiful magazine and tech articles is Increment, a blog by the core team within Stripe. A previous Stripe engineer, Will Larson has posts really drilling in the idea of focussing on what actually matters in sofware, and growing as a whole person while you're at it.

High Scalability is a good aggregate blog. I've never needed to work on a product requiring millions of queries per second, so an article on Uber's Scaling history is neat. (To save you a click, 40 Million QPS)